If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we constantly promote real gold jewelry as an alternative to fast fashion. When buying low-quality jewelry products you’re in a position where the items may tarnish, rust or oxidize extremely quickly. This fast turn-around influences individuals to purchase these same low-quality items month after month, essentially contributing to fast fashion.
With real gold, you are purchasing an investment where you can wear it many times over without anything happening to it.
Now we know what you’re thinking, why would I purchase something that is often double or triple the price, when I can buy something for a fraction of it.
It’s simple. With cheaper items you'll have to replace them a few times a year because they’ve tarnished on you, instead, you can save up to purchase a pair of real gold jewelry that will last you a lifetime.
Our New Eco-Friendly Jewelry Boxes

As a small business, it’s extremely important for us to always be thinking of ways to reduce our carbon footprint. While we aren’t perfect, we are taking one step at a time toward sustainability.
Understandably, jewelry has to be packaged in a small jewelry box safe and secure before packaging it in its larger box before sending it out to all of you guys!
In the past few months, we’ve officially made the switch to eco-friendly jewelry boxes. What does this mean? Our jewelry boxes are organic, recycled, Fairtrade and FSC-certified products.
Our new jewelry boxes are made with buckram paper, containing a foam sponge insert. These boxes are made of *FSC®-certified cardboard and water-based glue, while the pull insert is made of grosgrain satin ribbon.
*The FSC® mark guarantees that all materials come from an FSC® forest, where no more wood is cut down than the forest can reproduce. This means better protection of the animal- and plant life, and all foresters have proper training, safety equipment and a decent wage.
Reusable Jewelry Boxes
Not only are our jewelry boxes good for transporting our jewelry to you. But they are reusable! Here are a few ways we love to use Dainty Diamond's jewelry boxes.
1. As storage
You'll often hear us saying to store your jewelry pieces in a dry, safe place. What better place to store them than the box they came in!
2. For travelling
You watched your jewelry pieces travel to you in that box, so why not bring it along for your own travels! It's a great way to bring multiple pieces of jewelry to anywhere in the world knowing they're in a safe and compact box.
3. Decorative displays in your home/bedroom
We love DIY decoration and displays. Why not use one of our Dainty Diamond boxes as a way to display your jewelry, perfumes or any other special items throughout your home/room.
4. Storage for other items
While we may recommend to store your jewelry in our jewelry boxes, they can also be used for other kinds of storage. We've seen some people use them to store loose change, hair elastics + other accessories, headphone & more.
While we aren’t perfect, we are taking one step forward in our sustainability practices and we hope you can understand and appreciate our effort when receiving your jewelry packages.
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